'Was fully pregnant, worked...': Sacked by Twitter, H1B visa holder shares ordeal.

H1B visa holders who have been laid off from Twitter are making some extreme memories as they have simply 60 days close by to track down an organization to support their visas. Be that as it may, the equivalent turns out to be significantly harder assuming you are another mother. That is precisely exact thing happened to Sujatha Krishnaswamy.

Sharing her trial on Twitter, Krishnaswamy said, Recently, while being completely pregnant I worked constantly to effectively convey a basic client confronting protection element to meet Twitter's administrative commitments. I gave my entire being consistently to meet Twitter's Security and Protection vows to clients and controllers. I adored my work, my group and am truly pleased with the work I did during my time at Twitter. Be that as it may, tragically, my manager didn't adore me back.

She added, it required 2 days for me to handle what had simply occurred. Friday was my last day at Twitter. I'm crushed is putting it mildly. My H1B visa is intensifying my circumstance.

Presently, Krishnaswamy, who filled in as a Specialized Program Director at the online entertainment organization, is in a frantic work scout considering she could need to leave the nation on the off chance that she can't track down another support in the following couple of days.

Computer programmer Madhura Dighe composes, This isn't not difficult to compose, however here we go. I was among half of the representatives impacted because of cutbacks at Twitter. I got logged off organization Gmail and slack at night alongside my colleagues. No correspondence at all.

Anyway hard it is to process, I need to say; It was a genuine honor to work with a capable, dedicated, and kind gathering at Twitter. My heart goes to all the individual Tweeps influenced because of the present cutbacks, she proceeds to add.

In her post, she likewise specifies that she is effectively searching for another job.
