Our brain and computer.

PC is the most utilized machine of the time from today and it is said that it is more than man, without it no work should be possible, as indicated by us PC is the main machine you really want, very much like you can do it the hard way. On the off chance that you were unable to break any wall or stone, then, at that point, you made a sledge, similarly you made a PC to accomplish some significant work , so how might it be contrasted with us -

In the issue of recognizable proof of varieties

Taking everything into account, the natural eye can recognize around 1 crore tones, however a 32-bit PC can separate between 1 crore and 6,000,000 varieties.

to work out:-

People are behind the PC in this, where the human mind can work out 2 or 3 digits easily, yet on the off chance that a similar computation is 10 or 12 digits, it requires a ton of investment and assuming that it is made greater On the off chance that you go, it will take you practically the entire day, yet the PC settles it shortly. like your mini-computer

perceiving faces:-

Face acknowledgment deals with PC face acknowledgment innovation, in which it focuses a few pieces of the face, so it can undoubtedly perceive the substance of anybody, presently a similar innovation is likewise utilizing Facebook person to person communication site. In any case, the human psyche is more than that, there are billions of individuals living all around the world and everybody's countenances are unique, the human cerebrum takes the distinction between this multitude of countenances effectively, even that it is simply by taking a gander at the eyes Just the individual can recognize the individual and not just this, on the off chance that two appearances are joined to make another face, as you should have frequently found in the news paper, the mind perceives those two appearances by recognizing them.

distinguishing proof of items:-

Your mind can separate among salt and sugar by simply looking, aside from this, the human cerebrum is proficient at recognizing different things of ordinary use. In any case, presently there are applications like Google Glass, which can perceive objects when they examine pictures, yet not precisely.

critical thinking skill:-

Here likewise there is no reaction of the human brain, you can take any choice in a second, where the PC likewise fizzles, there the human psyche wins, as while driving, while at the same time playing a game, ( Chess, cricket, badminton and so on) and even military aircraft pilots are known to take significantly quicker choices, where the PC is a long ways behind the human brain.

If there should be an occurrence of control of a machine:-

Indeed, regardless of how strong and quick a PC is, it is just a machine and the human psyche has no response in this matter either, whether it is a homegrown PC or the control arrangement of a spaceship, the human brain is all comprehends and works. For a model, on the off chance that a typist is composing on the console, he doesn't actually take a gander at the console, then, at that point, how he can type the specific letter, it is likewise astonishing when you can type. In the event that you practice, the mind recollects the distance and letter of the buttons and different buttons you press with your fingers, and not just this, you are additionally ready to type extremely quick.

as far as useful:-

Allow us to let you know that the PC can accomplish the work for which it has been customized, yet in the event that it needs to accomplish some other work, the PC doesn't have the foggiest idea how to make it happen, yet the human psyche is commonsense, it can do any work. Someone finds a way, which you likewise call Jugaad in Hindi language, this one of a kind capacity is just with people.

constant working skill:-

We have perused many spots that the PC never gets drained, it can continue to work constantly and the human cerebrum gets worn out, it requirements to rest. We have not yet seen any robot or machine that can run without power or battery or doesn't need charging. The equivalent is with the human brain and body, even while dozing, the human psyche keeps on working, in any event, when you are resting, considerations hold striking a chord, you continue to dream and when you discuss getting worn out, the PC I likewise have the sickness of hanging.

capacity limit:-

In the PC, you can store melodies, recordings and tunes from everywhere the world, this capacity is likewise with the human mind, it continues recording the occasions happening close by, yet the pointless occasions are naturally erased over the long haul. While in the PC you need to erase those documents yourself, yet at the same time the PC is ahead in the capacity limit.


Human psyche and human body can do numerous things together, which PC alone can never do, you can count notes, you can drive, you can peruse, you can prepare food, you can compute You can likewise run a PC, simply think, you have made a PC, that is to say, man, then, at that point, how might it be preferable over a human, yes it could be a decent machine yet it can't turn into a decent human, It is just a machine, think about it as a machine and with its assist with accomplishing great work and do right by the name of the country.
