Computer advantages and disadvantages in hindi.

Computer is a small but powerful machine, for many people it is no less than magic, which can do many things at once without getting tired, it has many benefits (Labh) but the disadvantages caused by it (nuksan) also cannot be ignored - computer advantages and disadvantages in hindi.

Benefits and Importance of Computer in Hindi - Benefits and Importance of Computer.

:- Today PCs are being utilized for an enormous scope all over the place, the most compelling motivation for this is that it works a lot quicker than people, it can do extremely huge estimations in no time flat.

:-Today everything is accessible on the PC, you can store a great deal of information in the PC and use it whenever and in the event that you have web office, you can likewise get your information on web utilizing distributed storage. can keep.

:-You can remain associated with your companions whenever and anyplace through highlights like video call, email, long range interpersonal communication.

:-You can get any data on the Web.

:-PC innovation isn't the response in offices like banking, you can move cash from your cell phone or PC to anybody sitting at home.

:-Today, from portable re-energize, power charge installment to internet shopping, even planes are being flown by PC with next to no misstep.

:- PC has impacted the world in the field of training and medication, you can get schooling from the best educators/foundations sitting at home and with regards to medication, you can counsel the world's best specialists on the web and presently clinical There is compelling reason need to try and go to the store, you can likewise arrange prescriptions sitting at home, regardless of whether they are accessible in your city.

Disadvantages of Computer in Hindi

:- While another PC is making individuals shrewd, then again, its unreasonable use is likewise making individuals wiped out.

:- Extreme utilization of PC and portable is ending up hurtful to wellbeing.

:- Eyes experience the most because of persistent taking a gander at portable and PC screens.

:- Individuals have quit gathering, more individuals like to talk with person to person communication locales like Facebook and WhatsApp than visiting somebody's home, even 4 individuals residing in a house from their cell phones Simply stick.

:- PCs and robots have begun accomplishing crafted by numerous laborers in enormous organizations and plants, because of which joblessness has additionally expanded.

:- In the event that you don't utilize Web banking cautiously, a gamble of your own information is being taken, because of which numerous clients need to experience monetary misfortune.

:- Likewise, person to person communication additionally occurs on the site regardless of whether you work cautiously.

:- Misrepresentation through the Web has expanded incredibly

:- In the event that we utilize this innovation in the correct manner, our future can change a ton, yet its off-base use can likewise ruin our present, you realize that we are not in PC control, it is in our control, use it appropriately and securely

:- benefits of PC in hindi language, benefits and bad marks of PC in hindi, exposition on significance of PC in hindi, PC ka mahatva in hindi nibandh, hindi creation on PC, PC ka mahatva in hindi
